On lockdown, many of us are experiencing ever-changing moods and not all of them are the most cheerful. When the going gets tough, your wardrobe is one tool you can turn to make things a little or even a lot better. Getting dressed up has the transformative powers to get you from feeling blah to let’s do this! To take it even a step further the colors you wear can also drastically affect your disposition. Get into the 8 colors to wear to boost your mood and have you powering through quarantine like a boss!
Hoodies – Outdoor Voices / Sweats – Outdoor Voices / Sneakers – Allbirds / Earrings – New York & Co

Red is often associated with passion, love, and power. It’s also a color choice that indicates importance which is why you often see it on the red carpet for example. Throw on a red power suit or fiery red blouse when you have an important work presentation or a cute FaceTime where you want to impress your date.
Orange, another color that’s a part of the warm color family, is associated with vibrance and high energy. It’s also a very seasonal color that’s seen in the burnt oranges of fall to the more vibrant shades of spring summer. Slip into an orange number to feel higher energy levels and to look more inviting and friendly. It’s also a great substitute for red if red is too overpowering for you.

Who doesn’t feel better when wearing yellow or even seeing someone pass by wearing this hue?! It’s no secret that yellow is the happy color often linked to sunshine, brightness, and even hope. If you’re feeling a bit down and need a pick me up, pop on a yellow stunner to boost your mood and feel a little more hopeful about the future.
Unlike yellow, red, and orange, green belongs to the cool color family. And because of its subdued nature, it’s often associated with nature and is usually very calming, relaxing, renewing. If you want to feel abundant or is on a path where you’re ready for new beginnings and growth, then green is the color for you.

Blue also a part of the cool color family is also tied closely to nature, water, and even colors of the night. Blue represents calmness and responsibility. It’s also tied to peace and spirituality which is very fitting for the times as many of us are seeking those two things to remain grounded. Pull out some blues out of your wardrobe to channel these emotions.
If bright colors aren’t your thing, then neutrals like browns, tans, and beiges may be your next best bet. Brown often associated with dependability and reliability is a great color to wear when you need to feel grounded or closer to the earth. It’s also a great color to wear if you’re getting to know a potential client who’s more conservative or just wants to feel more centered.

Us women all know and love us a bomb pink hue. Wearing this color can make you feel very flirty and feminine as its also associated with love, care, and nurturing. Throw on you cutest millennial pink blouse for a little pick me up.
Name a more chic color than white? Maybe black but I digress. White often synonymous with purity, cleanliness, and virtue is a great color to wear when you’re feeling like you just want a fresh new start. It’s also associated with goodness, simplicity, and minimalism so it’s also a great neutral to pop on when you want a clean sleek look or want to feel at peace.